Imaging är en serie inom EyePod Podcast. I dessa avsnitt pratar experter om ämnen som konfokalmikroskopi och OCT våt AMD eller vid diabetesretinopati
Det här är en podcast som drivs av Bayer oftalmologi med inbjudna föreläsare för alla er som är verksamma inom ögonsjukvården.
I denna serie pratar vi om imaging för det främre segmentet t.ex. konfokalmikroskopi ur ett tekniskt samt kliniskt perspektiv. Vi pratar också om imaging för det bakre segmentet, som OCT och OCT-A vid våt AMD och diabetesretinopati.
Alla avsnitt
EyePod - 55 - Imaging series pt. 8 - OCT-A in Diabetic Retinopathy with Jakob Grauslund
Welcome back to EyePod Bayer and another episode of this imaging series.
Today we have the honor and pleasure to welcome back Jakob Grauslund, Clinical Professor and Consultant at the Research Unit of Ophthalmology at the University in Odense. Jakob is going to share with us his experiences and expertise as a clinician and researcher in diabetes, and especially how OCT-A can be used as a tool in the management of diabetic retinopathy.
Stay tuned for the third part where we will continue to talk about OCT-A in Diabetic Retinopathy!
EyePod - 53 - Imaging series pt. 6 - OCT-A in wet AMD with Stamatis Aslanis and Neil Lagali
Welcome to a new episode of this imaging series on EyePod Bayer.
In the previous parts of this series, we talked about the anterior segment, and now we are going to continue with imaging of the back of the eye and retina with OCT and OCT-A , beginning with wet AMD.
This is the third part of the interview with Neil and Stamatis, where we talk about OCT-A in clinical practice with focus on wet AMD. In the next interviews, we will talk about OCT and OCT-A in Diabetic Retinopathy, stay tuned!
EyePod - 52 - Imaging series pt. 5 - OCT in clinical practice with Stamatis Aslanis and Neil Lagali
Welcome to a new episode of this imaging series on EyePod Bayer.
In the previous parts of this series, we talked about the anterior segment, and now we are going to continue with imaging of the back of the eye and retina with OCT and OCT-A , beginning with wet AMD.
This is the second part of the interview with Neil and Stamatis, where we talk about OCT in clinical practice with focus on wet AMD. In the next part, we will talk about OCT-A, stay tuned!
EyePod - 51 - Imaging series pt. 4 - The OCT technique with Stamatis Aslanis and Neil Lagali
Welcome to a new episode of this imaging series on EyePod Bayer.
In the previous parts of this series, we talked about the anterior segment, and now we are going to continue with imaging of the back of the eye and retina with OCT and OCT-A , beginning with wet AMD.
This is the first part of the interview with Neil and Stamatis, where we talk about OCT in general. In the next part, we will talk about OCT in nAMD.
EyePod - 49 - Imaging series pt. 3 - Confocal microscopy in the clinic with Berit Byström and Neil Lagali
Welcome back to EyePod and the third episode of the imaging series, where we will continue to interview Neil Lagali and Berit Byström from the last episode.
In the future episodes in the imaging series, we will talk about OCT and OCT-A in wet AMD, followed by Diabetic Retinopathy. Stay tuned!
EyePod - 48 - Imaging series pt. 2 - Confocal microscopy in the clinic with Berit Byström and Neil Lagali
Welcome back to EyePod and the second episode of the imaging series, where we will continue to interview Neil Lagali from the last episode. Today we would also like to express a special welcome to a new guest, Berit Byström, assistant professor and consultant at the Eye Department at Umeå University.
This episode will focus on how we can apply confocal imaging technique in the clinic - When to use it and how to interpret the outcome of the examination.
EyePod - 47 - Imaging series pt. 1 - Confocal microscopy and the cornea with Neil Lagali
Welcome back to EyePod Bayer!
This exciting episode will be the first in a series of interesting interviews and discussions about imaging of the eye. We will start in the anterior part, with confocal microscopy of the cornea, and continue with imaging of the back of the eye and retina with OCT and OCT-A.With us today we have Neil Lagali, from the Institution for Biomedical and Clinical Sciences at Linköping University. Neil is professor and internationally recognized expert in confocal microscopy. This is his second visit to the EyePod and last time he shared his knowledge in angiogenesis in the eye. Today we are looking forward to discussing the background and technical aspects of confocal microscopy of the cornea. In a second episode, we will invite Dr Berit Byström, assistant professor and consultant at the Eye Department at Umeå University, to discuss the clinical application with this interesting imaging technique.
Vid frågor eller synpunkter kontakta eyepod@bayer.com.